You know for the past couple of months I’ve been digging in the crumbs and sewing them strip-style onto 2.5” X 8.5” pieces of paper.
Look what she did! While mine is still a “work on it when I can quilt in progress” her is done!
She writes:
I just love it too, don’t you?
Hi Bonnie,
Just wanted to show you my crumbs-quilt! Made after your luminous idea of using all kinds of tiny crumbs......
I set the darker blocks on point and used neutral string-blocks to join them!
I just LOVE this quilt!!
And you know what? EVERYBODY LOVES this quilt!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for your great ideas and inspirations to all of us; certainly to me!!!
Love from the Netherlands, Ria.
The neutral string blocks are reminiscent of our past mystery, Roll Roll Cotton Boll, found in Scraps & Shirttails II. I am so happy to see that things we learn during mysteries can be applied to other quilts down the road too!
I don't know about you, but I was also oohing and ahhing over the other quilts in this photo! Check Ria's blog linked above to see more of what she has been working on.
Speaking of Mysteries…we have just about 2 weeks left until I release the colors and fabric yardage requirements for THIS YEAR’S mystery that starts November 29th! Be watching mid-October for those colors to be revealed…I hope you are getting as excited as I have been while working on this quilt.
Don’t forget, tonight is QUILT-CAM! 9pm Eastern.
I’ll probably be found treadling on more scrappy string sashings for the Cheddar Sampler quilt..I thought I’d give myself a break from those square-in-a-square cornerstones and do something else for tonight.
See you there!
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