Quilt-Cam 9/14/2013

How much can you get done while watching Quilt-Cam? It takes a LONG time to finish a quilt you’ve been putting off – so get it out and just ... thumbnail 1 summary
How much can you get done while watching Quilt-Cam?

It takes a LONG time to finish a quilt you’ve been putting off – so get it out and just DO IT!

This email came from Priscilla:

I'm visiting my friends in British Columbia and we have been making your crumbs and have finished two quilts in three days from scratch.
Isn’t this gorgeous?
She made her crumb strips blocks be the center of large stars…2 quilts in 3 days from SCRATCH!  Awesome!  Loving that orange one at the top!  And the crumby sashings...whoowhooo!
I don’t know about you, but autumn gets me in the mood for All. Things. Orange.
This is what made my heart swoon at Sam’s Club this morning while I was picking up more mailing envelopes:
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Can you ever have too much orange? I don’t think so!
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An Orange THING by Volkswagen crossed my path at the intersection this morning!
Remember these?  I lived not too far from Santa Cruz, California growing up – and I thought this would be the perfect beach mobile.  I never got one.  I’m amazed that there are still some of these running around out there!
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This is the “TIME OUT” quilt.  It’s been in “TIME OUT” for a long time, and now that I know what to do with it…I’ll be working on those square-in-a-square cornerstones today during Quilt-Cam.  I need like 50-gazillion of them.
I’ve decided that paper piecing is going to be the best way for me to do this since I am working with random scraps and don’t want to have to iron to pre-cut to sew.
Wanna join me?  Click the arrow on the screen below to start the feed!

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