Rosemary’s Orphans!

I had a great email with some amazing photos from Rosemary Youngs. Rosemary Youngs is an award-winning quilter who enjoys designing quilts t... thumbnail 1 summary
I had a great email with some amazing photos from Rosemary Youngs.

Rosemary Youngs is an award-winning quilter who enjoys designing quilts that tell a story.

She is the author of the Amish Circle Quilt, the Civil War Diary Quilt and the Civil War Love Letter Quilt book. 

The Civil War Anniversary Quilt Book was released in May of 2012 .

She has also released Quilts from the American Homefront, 121 quilt blocks inspired by letters from World War II.
But when I think of Rosemary, it always goes back about 12 years ago when we were both on the Dear Jane email list, both of us honing our love of scrappy quilts with small blocks and many pieces.
Rosemary wrote:
Enjoyed your email about your UFO's, so funny, two weeks ago I took all my Civil War blocks that were UFOs and assemble them into this.
Going to pull all the 1930s reproduction next week and then the brights  and hopefully I won't have any more UFO Or orphan blocks.
Quilt finished 100 x 107, could not believe I have that many blocks.
When prolific quilters get a bee in their bonnets to clear out the orphan and ufo bin ---you better stand back!
Here is Rosemary’s quilt made from all civil war pieces, parts, stops and starts, orphan blocks and more:

Rosemary’s Orphans, 100” X 107”

Close up of the fun mess of stuff in here!
I am really interested in the blocks that look to have photo transfers!
Another section!  Isn’t this tree cool?
More from Rosemary:
Going to pull out all my Orphan 1930  blocks next week, can't wait to see what they make.
Just cannot believe How many I had, I don't think it ever done that since I started quilting In the late 1980s. 
To me it was kind of like getting a free quilt, something that looked like it took a long time And much thought to put together. LOL
Hope you find some time to get some stitching accomplished today, certainly hope that I do.
Rosemary’s website:
Visit her blog:
I can hardly wait to see what she comes up with next!  ((ooh love that cheddar – can’t wait to get back to my Time Out project!))
Are you going to join me for Quilt-Cam today?  2pm Eastern ---I’m planning on doing my little square in a square cornerstones with paper piecing to help me use up the random scraps.  These babies only finish at 2” and I get a good result that way.  Stop by and see me!
I’m off to Sam’s Club early this morning – I’m out of padded mailers!

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