Outdoor Antiques Festival Fun!

Autumn in full swing! I pulled off the highway and onto a side road to get this shot of the field and knoll.  I’m not sure what that yellow ... thumbnail 1 summary
Autumn in full swing!

I pulled off the highway and onto a side road to get this shot of the field and knoll. 

I’m not sure what that yellow weed is, but it is growing everywhere – and the color is just vibrant.

The clouds came and went, so one minute I’d be chilly and throw a denim shirt over my tshirt, and the next minute the clouds had moved, revealing the sun and its warmth, and I’d peel that denim over shirt off and tie it around my waist.  This is the season to live life in layers when you live in the south.

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Along with the yellow brushy weed, there is a whole lot of THIS growing!

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It’s the palest lavender, and with the sunny yellow centers, combined with the yellow of the other weed….the hillsides are SO beautiful.

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We were in West Jefferson for this!

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And there was lots of this!  And live music too!

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Everywhere you went there were people browsing and buying.

Sadie and I stayed as much on the outside as we could.  I was so afraid of her on her leash, and the close proximity to vintage glass, I was trying to divert disaster from happening.

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Barn Quilt Block!

I bought raffle tickets for this one, but I didn’t win – the drawing was yesterday and my phone never rang.  DANG IT!  But I am going to get one made to hang on the side of the cabin.  Just not sure which block I want yet.  I’m thinking of having them do one of the blocks I’ve had in Quiltmaker’s 100 blocks issue.

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There were machines!  Though none of them came home with me this trip.

This is a New Home with a leaf tensioner at the top:

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The decals were pretty well gone, but this one was threaded, and it stitched – so hopefully someone will snatch it up and give it some love.

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Ragged quilts ---which once were cherished and vibrant.

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This is a buyer beware --- it’s a Japanese import.

The earliest this could be is 1950s.

The cabinet was cheaply made – the brand is centennial, but the badge is missing on the arm. There are just screw holes where the badge would be.  You can see the knob at the base of the pillar for lowering feed dogs. Old-old machines didn't have this option.

If this is what you want for free motion quilting, it might work for you, but that badge with “DELUXE” on it on the pillar will let you know that it is not “THAT” old and that it was made in Japan.  I’d keep moving…..

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1940s-1950s Free Westinghouse electric machine.

These are great machines – they are not belt driven, but pulley/bearing driven.  There is a little rubber wheel that is connected to the motor, and the friction turns the hand wheel.  They can kind of get “un round” and go bumpity bumpity bumpity ---but great decals on this one!

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Ashe County Cheese is in Downtown West Jefferson!

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The milk tanks actually are made into huge cows…you can go inside the viewing room and see how cheese is being made.  Fun!

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Back at the antique mall --- more machines!

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I liked this one…the brand name said Pennsylvainia.  Beautiful decals ---and another leaf-tensioner.

This machine could have been made by New Home and branded Pennsylvania.  Many times the manufacturer would re-badge for a retailer who was buying the machines in large lots.

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Oh, Poor Thing!!!

This was once a singer red-eye.  Rusted solid now.  And they wanted over $200 for it.  Lots of luck with that!

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This is an oldie!

It’s also frozen solid, no way to slide that bobbin cover plate and see if there is a shuttle in there.  The cabinet was also broken so the machine wouldn’t sit right in the hole it belongs in.  Sad!  Going to take a lot of love and care and know-how to get this one up and going!

About this time the battery on my phone died.  And there was no more picture taking!  But what a fun day!

Today is a DESK DAY for me – lots of stuff to handle before heading out to Illinois on Wednesday!

But tonight – QUILT-CAM!  9pm Eastern!

Bring a project and be here!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

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