iPhone-o-Gram! Hello, San Francisco!

Yes this is a foodie post – I have been flying in a tube with wings all day long, so this is the best I can do! We arrived in San Francisco ... thumbnail 1 summary
Yes this is a foodie post – I have been flying in a tube with wings all day long, so this is the best I can do!

We arrived in San Francisco almost 2 hours late – and I was severely starving after that long flight.

If you've never been to San Francisco airport, as airports go – this one is pretty much top-notch with the eateries available.

Today's choice was the San Francisco soup Company at the San Francisco marketplace in terminal three.

I chose the chicken tikka masala soup, and boy was it yummy!

Just what this girl needed to give her a bit of energy to make it the rest the way to Eugene this afternoon.

Chicken tikka masala soup? I think I need to find a recipe!

There have been plenty of hexies sewn on this trip thus far – and I have enjoyed watching some episodes of Inspector Lewis on my Kindle fire.

I also napped a fair bit – good thing, because I needed it!

I will be boarding in about 45 minutes for Eugene – and my Oregon adventure will be underway!

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