Remembering 9-11

This morning’s blog post is simple. I’m home and feeling reflective. This is the flag that flies outside my house to remind us always of whe... thumbnail 1 summary
This morning’s blog post is simple.

I’m home and feeling reflective.

This is the flag that flies outside my house to remind us always of where we stand.  I may need a new one, this one is getting kind of weather worn.

We have a flag at the cabin that flies off of the porch when we are there.  I put it out when we arrive, and bring it in when we leave.

In 2001 my oldest son was in high school….and he remembers September 11, 2001 because just the previous November he had marched in the Macy’s parade, and had been to the world trade center.

His younger brother was 11 at the time, and remembers “some” of what happened, but feels farther removed from it.

I suppose it will get to be like it is for those of us who were not yet born when Pearl Harbor happened….we know the story, but it doesn’t have as much impact because we were not there.

I was a little girl at the age of 7 when Apollo 11  landed on the moon in 1969.  I remember seeing it on television in black and white, but it made no sense to me because I was young.

When Jeff picked me up at the airport last night, we decided on dinner out at Ruby Tuesdays, and really enjoyed our evening together, just mom and son.  We talked about things that he remembered, and that I remembered.

We lived south of Dallas at the time, and what I really remember – once I turned off CNN and tried to get about the daily normalcy of taking care of my family-- was how quiet the skies were with no air traffic anywhere.  Days later when I heard the first plane go over –it nearly scared me.


With all that is going on with Syria in the news now --- I hold my breath, and my children close to my heart and pray ---and it seems futile, this wish that there will be peace on this earth at some point.  That freedom, respect for others and hard work will combine to create a world where we can live together.  That there will be a safe place and a good life for not only our children and our grand children, but our great great great grand children as well.

I’m taking today as a day to ponder, reflect, show gratitude ---and remember, always remember..

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