Antiquing Day in the Blue Ridge!

This was the view of the beautiful trees as I descended Buck Mountain and headed toward West Jefferson, NC with an antiquing road trip on th... thumbnail 1 summary
This was the view of the beautiful trees as I descended Buck Mountain and headed toward West Jefferson, NC with an antiquing road trip on the agenda.

The leaves are turning!  The air smells so wonderful – I had the back windows cracked down for Sadie, and the sun roof open for me.

Maybe I was a day late, but I didn’t know it when I started out.

I was at my SECOND Antique place before I saw the flyer for the West Jefferson Antiques Festival downtown!  Oh my goodness!

It started on Friday – and all the *GOOD* stuff was probably long gone, but you know what? I wouldn't have missed two days of treadling on my patio looking at the beautiful view of the Blue Ridge Parkway in the distance for anything.  At least I was getting in on the second day of it!

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We stopped here!  Antiques on Main….

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With Quilts on the Brain! Ha!

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And I wasn’t disappointed!  LOVE this Thousand Pyramids quilt with its extra thick batting and primitive quilting.

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Close up of fabrics – wouldn’t it be great to do this in recycled shirt prints, throwing in some indigos and reds and shirtings?

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1880 Churn Dash--

This is an old top that was more recently quilted, it had poly batting and a poly blend broadcloth backing.  But LOVE those fabrics!

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1940s Ocean Waves!

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mid 1800’s Hovering Hawks….this one was pretty shredded, but the fabrics were gorgeous!

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Close up of one block, all points intact!

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I really like this frame-and-sashing setting.  And the half blocks on the edge!

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A blue and gold churn dash.  Another setting I like!  On point, and sashed.

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Close up of one block – love those indigos!

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1940s radiant star!  The prints in this one are so splashy!

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Love the prints mixed with solids.

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And I spotted this!  It HAD to come home with me!

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It is now living  in the kitchen at the cabin over the door to the powder room!

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And I picked up THESE because I love old irons that are heavy, not plastic, and have no auto shut off!
I love the yellow one!  It was $2.99 and the black one was $1.99

How do I know these are the real deal?  Because they say things like “Acetate, Dynel” “Acrylon-Creslan” “Dacron-Fortrel-Codel” “Lurex-Arnel-Triacetate” on the yellow one and “Acrylics-Acrilan-Creslan-Orlon-Zefran” and “Silks-Polyesters-Dacron-Fortrel-Kodel” and “Nylons-Antron-Caprlan-Triacetates-Arnel” on the black one. 

Do we even HAVE these fabrics anymore?  I’m getting visions of  the dress I wore to prom one year, it was made of Quiana!  Slinky stuff!  And those disco shirts and leisure suits…lol!

There are more photos to edit down and upload – I haven’t even posted ANYTHING from the outdoor festival yet, but I want to spend my last day at the cabin sewing, so be watching for those in tomorrow’s post.  I took several pictures of some really cool vintage sewing machines, so look forward to those tomorrow as well.

Tonight when I get home, I’ll be drawing the name for the winner of our Lily Ashbury give-away!  Have you entered?

Some have asked why they can’t see ALL the comments.  We are up to 712 comments, all of which *I* can see – but Blogger will only let readers scroll back through the first 200.  I don’t know the answer to that one, if anyone knows how to change it so they are ALL visible to everyone, let me know, okay?  So if you can’t see your comment post, don’t worry – it’s there and I can see it!

But for today – I plan on enjoying more of this:

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Love from Buck Mountain ---

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