At News Stands Near You! Quiltmaker Give-Away!

The November/December issue of Quiltmaker is out and about! And guess what? I have an EXTRA copy to Give-Away to a lucky reader! It feels ki... thumbnail 1 summary
The November/December issue of Quiltmaker is out and about!

And guess what? I have an EXTRA copy to Give-Away to a lucky reader!

It feels kind of weird having a magazine with a Christmas quilt on the cover showing up in my inbox, when I haven’t gotten used to the fact that it is now October – it was 83 degrees here yesterday!

But the holidays will be soon upon us, and this issue is packed with holiday quilty goodies…

Here’s one that cracked me up – and broke me out into a full sweat:

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Pardon the bad  iPhone photo!

Okay, guys –I want to know if that is a fake backdrop, or is winter and snow covered trees really as perfect in Colorado as I’ve heard?  Did I mention it’s still in the 80s here in North Carolina?  Seeing you Christmas-Card-Perfect and all wrapped up in coats and scarves has be breaking out in hot flashes…but don’t they look great?

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Check this out!  See the left hand issue?  It says FREE INSIDE!

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What’s the Bonus?  12 star blocks from 100 blocks – including my Winston Ways block!


Also included – my Addicted to Scraps Column, featuring Dakota Farmer blocks using all those bonus triangles!

Look what the Quiltmaker team did for a suggested layout:


You can find the details for this quilt variation on the Quiltmaker website HERE.

Leave me a comment below in the comments section.  Do me a favor and re-read the post I wrote earlier this week about leaving comments HERE.  Please exhaust ALL possibilities and try to leave your comment ON the post, instead of emailing it to me or leaving it for me in the guest book – it makes it harder to be sure all are included in the drawing when there are so many entries from everywhere, and all in different places.  If you can’t comment on the blog, find out why.  Chances are the post linked above will have your answer. 

Remember to click OUT of facebook before commenting – don’t comment through a reader service either..make sure you are actually on the original post and give it a shot.  Try it for me. Maybe try a real computer rather than a phone or other mobile device or iPad.

**Important** PLEASE check to be sure your email address is visible in your profile, or leave your address on your comment.  If I can not reach you via email, you can not win.  I'll have to draw someone else if your email address is not included.

How do you know your address is included or not? In Google+ or in Blogger, click your profile image at the upper right of the page.  A drop down card will appear like this:

If you can SEE your email address listed, you are good to go.

If your email address is NOT  there, click view profile and add it by clicking the blue people peg at the upper left of the page that opens.  Scroll down to settings, click that and add your email address.  Be sure settings are saved.

Nothing is more frustrating than wanting to comment back to you but being unable to because of no email address linked to your profile --- especially when I have drawn you as a winner!

I’m leaving for Illinois this morning.  Sunday I leave Illinois for Texas!  I’ll draw for the winner Sunday evening from there.

Good luck!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

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