Triple Layer Inked Embossing Technique!

I thought I would try something different for today's card. I love the Lovely Lace Embossing Folder as it creates such a nice embossed b... thumbnail 1 summary
I thought I would try something different for today's card. I love the Lovely Lace Embossing Folder as it creates such a nice embossed background for a card. As I was holding the embossing folder in my hands, I wondered if embossing it on three layers of cardstock would work so I gave it a try. Not sure if this has been done before or not but I thought of this on my own and named it the "Triple Layer Inked Embossing Technique". Take a peek:

I love the way the Perfect Plum and Blackberry Bliss colors compliment themselves:

Oh and guess what? I'm going to show you how I completed my technique:

You will need three layers of Blackberry Bliss Cardstock as follows:
  • 2 1/4" x 3 1/2"
  • 3 1/4" x 4 1/2"
  • 4 1/4" x 11", score at 5 1/2 and fold

You will need the following sizes in Perfect Plum Cardstock:
  • 2" x 3 1/4"
  • 3" x 4 1/4"
  • 4" x 5 1/4"

Using the Perfect Plum layers, temporarily glue them together as shown above. Run all three layers through the Big Shot using the embossing folder:

Separate all three layers and using your Perfect Plum Ink Pad, turn it upside-down and ink the raised embossed sections as shown below:

Once you've inked all three pieces, layer with the Blackberry Bliss Cardstock layers to look like this:

Decorate your card as you like. I used the Polka Dot Pieces stamp set that coordinate with the Bird Punch, Elegant Butterfly Punch, 1 1/4" Scallop Circle Punch and the 1 3/4" Scallop Circle Punch:

I hope you will give this technique a try. I love it when I try something for the first time and it works like I planned! 
Thanks for stopping by to visit me today!

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