My lower back went out while up at the cabin ---I spent part of yesterday in therapy at the Chiropractors, followed by an adjustment.
I spent the afternoon resting, trying to find a place that was comfortable.
I slept okay, but I am sure stiff and sore this morning.
I am headed back to the chiropractor in a bit for another adjustment and a round of therapy – and then off to a much needed massage.
I can’t be walking like a pretzel! I head to Dallas in the morning!
Sitting at the sewing machine is hard right now, treadling is uncomfortable on my back so it looks like Quilt-Cam will have to wait until I get home from Texas. I’m bummed! I wanted more time to work on the crumb strips, I am SO close to having the amount done that I need.
So while I don’t have much to share because I’ve been flat down ---Here is a lovely quilt to inspire by Rita C of Ireland!
She writes:
Hi Bonnie,
And hello from lovely sunny Ireland! I have been a follower of all things Quiltville for some time now and I just wanted to show you a quilt I made from one of your patterns in your 'Leader/Ender' section. I have decided to name it "Queen of Scraps" as a tribute to you and also because I reckon it is big enough to be a queen size quilt.
It finished up around 80" square. The triangle border idea I got from a stash-buster idea on TQS and just brought the two together. I did the quilt as a QAYG project and used my walking foot to do the quilting.
I love this quilt and want to thank you so much for the free pattern from your blog and also for all your wonderful inspiration.
I was so disappointed that I was unable to make it to any of your classes at the International Quilt Festival of Ireland this year so I really hope that you will come back again someday. (I know how busy you are because I looked at your teaching schedule - put the heart crossways in me just thinking about being booked up that far in advance, can't imagine how you must feel!)
Kindest regards and many thanks,
Rita C.
Isn't her quilt gorgeous? All from a wide variety of scraps. Four patches, half-square triangles,Strings in the border. Quilted in a quilt-as-you-go fashion in simple straight lines on her home sewing machine. Yes, quilting a big quilt on a home machine is possible! And it’s lovely.
Thanks for sharing your quilt with us, Rita! Wishing you many more Quilty Happinesses to come!
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