Any guesses what was in it?!
It’s the latest Quiltmaker Magazine’s QUILTS from 100 blocks issue!
And I have not only ONE copy to give away, but TWO!
And I am going to give them BOTH AWAY!
Which is fun because we all celebrated Labor Day yesterday ---
Do you know what Labor Day signifies?
The OFFICIAL Start of Quilting Season!
When did the last season end?
The day BEFORE Labor Day! :cD
Leave me a comment in the comments section below to win one of two copies of Quilts from 100 Blocks!
There are 19 great quilts included for making, loving, giving ----I had a hard time picking my favorite. I really liked this one:
Retro Romance!
Not a great image of the full quilt, but look how graphic this is!
You will find this pattern in this issue, and 18 others to whet your creative appetite!
After leaving your comment below, click on over to Quiltmaker Magazine’s Blog, Quilty Pleasures and see what THEY have to say about this issue…..And leave a comment there to be entered into THEIR drawing as well! It’s a lot of Quilty Goodness all around. You will also find MORE examples of what is included in this jam-packed issue!
I will draw our winners on Sunday Night from Abilene, TX!
As far as when the next Quilt-Cam will be….it’s up in the air. It depends on how much I can get done today and tomorrow whether it can happen tomorrow night. I leave Thursday morning early for Dallas…so it may end up not fitting in this week, but we will do it as soon as we can!
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