Meet Kerstin!

Quilters love road trips! We’ve had several gals who have driven hours to get here from California, or Whitby Island in Washington State ---... thumbnail 1 summary
Quilters love road trips!

We’ve had several gals who have driven hours to get here from California, or Whitby Island in Washington State ---and you would think these ladies have known each other forever, when in fact they just met.

Kerstin is one such gal ---and I liked her right away!  What’s not to like?  The first thing I saw was a hexie mini on her table, adorning her space, making it her home for the course of the day.

She wasn’t alone in her adventures though--- she has a friend that lives locally and they both planned on taking the class with the Umpqua Valley Quilters together.

Isn’t this little hexie quilt cute?  I think her hexies were 1/2” per side…..over the moon in love!

From there, she quickly introduced me to her latest busy-bag project…..but first take a look at the busy bag:

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Cute cute cute!  A half round case!

I do not know if there is a pattern available for this ---I don’t have a source if there is one.  If someone knows, can they post it in the comments section so those looking can find it?  Thank you!

Look at the inside:

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All the goodies needed for hours of traveling stitching!

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YUMMY!!  Those equilateral triangles are so dinky tiny!

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Kerstin with her purple Carolina Chain quilt!

She is a purple-lover – and isn’t this so pretty?  I love how the varioius shades of that delicious color just sparkle across the surface ---which reminds me….I have a Carolina chain UFO around here SOMEWHERE?!

Carolina Chain was one of the blocks from my Addicted to Scraps column.  If you click the Addicted to Scraps tab at the top of the blog, you can scroll through and find what was in past issues!

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Kerstin’s Easy Street top, just waiting for borders!

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The girl does love her purple!  Isn’t this pretty?!

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Scrappily Irish from Adventures with Leaders & Enders!

Making this quilt with 4-patches sewn in the Leader & Ender style makes the making of this quilt easy & breezy!  All between the lines of chain piecing other things!  No strip panels…just pure pleasure as units grow on the side.  Don’t you love how she completed the checkerboard into the border using even MORE scrap squares?  SO pretty!

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Patches & Pinwheels!

I love that several of her quilts do not require morders…..the binding just finishes off the edge so nice.  This is a child sized quilt, just perfect from the scraps.  Kerstin sure has a way with color, doesn’t she?  You can find the directions for Patches & Pinwheels under the free patterns tab at the top of the blog.

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Kerstin’s Bricks & Stepping Stones!

The fabrics were so fun in this one…I just really love it!  Again, no borders.  It really doesn’t need any!  Bricks & Stepping Stones is also found under the free patterns tab.  Have YOU made one?

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Close up of all the fun stuff!

Thanks for coming all the way up, Kerstin!  I really enjoyed meeting you, we care cut from the same scrappy cloth, you and I!  I hope our paths will cross again!

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