List of software that came with Lubuntu 13.04

 So here's list of software that came with lubuntu 13.04 raring ringtail : chromium 28.0.1500.71 (web browser) pidgin 2.10.7 (messenger)... thumbnail 1 summary

 So here's list of software that came with lubuntu 13.04 raring ringtail :

  1. chromium 28.0.1500.71 (web browser)
  2. pidgin 2.10.7 (messenger)
  3. sylpheed 3.3.0 (email client)
  4. transmission 2.77 (torrent client)
  5. abiword 2.9.2 (word processor)
  6. document viewer 3.6.1 (pdf reader)
  7. gnumeric spreadsheet 1.12.1 (spreadsheet)
  8. audacious 3.3.4 (music player)
  9. gnome-mplayer 1.0.8 (video player)
  10. xfburn 0.4.3 (burning tool)
  11. mtpaint 3.40 (graphic editor)
  12. simple scan 3.6.1 (document scan tool)
  13. archive manager 3.6.3 (archive manager)
  14. gnome character map 3.6.1 (keyboard character tool)
  15. disks 3.6.1 (disk tool)
  16. pcmanfm 1.1.0 (file manager)
  17. galculator 2.1 (calculator)  
  18. gpicview 0.2.3 (image viewer)
  19. leafpad (text editor)
  20. lxterminal 0.1.11 (terminal console)
  21. xpad 4.1 (sticky notes)
  22. gdebi 0.9 (software package tool)
  23. lubuntu software center 0.0.5 (software center)
  24. system-config-printer 1.3.12 (network printing tool)
  25. synaptic 0.80 (package manager)
  26. hardinfo 0.5.1 (system information)
  27. lxtask 0.1.4 (task manager)
  28. blueman device manager 1.23 (bluetooth tool)
  29. obconf 2.0.4 (openbox manager)
  30. lxappearance 0.5.2 (desktop customization tool)

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