It was a bit rainy as we left the ship, headed up the ramp to where our bus was waiting and made our way across Juneau to the boats that would take us out to sea.
The guide on the boat had the most infectious personality ever.
You have got to love someone who loves their job and is so excited about it!
She told us so much about the area, the wildlife we hoped to see while on our adventure, and gave us lots of background information and stories of past experiences that just added to our excitement.
We really enjoyed talking to her during our tour time.
Our first bout of excitement….
A group of Sea Lions napping on the rocky shore of a small island! We watched them for quite a while, a couple of them getting miffed at each other and barking and growling as if to say “Move over, fatso, you are in my spot!!”
Of course we were here to see whales – and The Hubster was on the look out!
Do you see any yet?
No? But that little white dot in the center of the photo is a light house 
Whale sighting video #1
Whale sighting video #2
We did see MANY humpback whales – and also several orcas—very exciting! There were also bald eagles and harbor seals…..
But my favorite wildlife sport? PEOPLE watching!
View on the way back to the pier.
Ships docked in Juneau!
Next Stop ----Sawyer Glacier!
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