The best part of any class for me is the show & share that the quilters bring to show me what they've been working on.
The winters are long in Alaska, and these gals know how to put it to great advantage!
The summer nights are long in Alaska, and they gather and quilt and fit in as much as they can!
It was a delight and a privilege to have such a great display both in my classes, and in my workshop on Friday night.
Cheri’s Roll Roll Cotton Boll from String Fling is gorgeous!
We had a huge display of Easy Streets!
Easy Street will be included in the next book –stay tuned if you missed it as a Mystery!
Check out the back of Lily’s!
Lily and Barb, the gal to the right were part of the group that were setting up for retreat at the Inn on Tern Lake where The Hubster and I stopped on our way back to Anchorage to visit his cousin, Nikki who works there! This is 90 minutes away from Soldotna, and a total shot in the dark that we met up again – FUN! I hope they are having a great time on their retreat and working away on the projects we started in class.
Left over units from Easy Street made this lovely!
Orca Bay from String Fling made several appearances also!
We even had an Old Tobacco Road!
You can find Old Tobacco Road as a former Mystery under the Free Patterns Tab at the top of the blog…scroll to the bottom, old mysteries are found there!
Joy shared her Fair & Square from Scraps & Shirttails II!
Close up of one corner..I love her brights!
I don’t remember who is hiding behind this Pineapple Blossom…LOL!!
Pineapple Blossom is found under the free patterns tab as well!
Fun with Bricks, also from the Free Patterns tab – all done up in blues..gorgeous!
Cheri’s Bricks in the Barnyard, her own layout from Scraps & Shirttails II!
Cheri does a lot of quilts “on the go” and this one was done in a “Quilt as you go” method…and I LOVE what the red sashings that hide the seams do to this quilt…amazing! Here is the back:
I think this is an awesome way to go when quilting on a home machine..and Cheri is a pro at it!
Joy’s Hopscotch Butterscotch from Scraps & Shirttails II, all in recycled fabrics!
Cheri’s Weed Whacker!
Another freebie under the free patterns tab above – I have always loved this one!
A great STRING X!! Look at her smile…one happy quilter!
Close up of one corner.
String X is also found under the free patterns tab….I love these quilts that use so much of everything! So many fabric memories in this one---do you spy fabrics from your OWN scrap stash?
It was just the most remarkable trip ---my travel home was a blur, I tried to sleep much of the way, and I was partly successful.
I arrived in Greensboro at noon, was picked up by Jeff and Sadie, or dog—oh, she was so excited! Once home I hit the door running --- so much to get ready for this weekend’s event in Winston Salem – Collaboration Celebration is almost upon us!
Tomorrow morning I pick up Mickey Depre at the airport and we run a couple of errands to get her stuff ready – things she would rather pick up here than fly with, and we will be headed down town Winston Salem to greet over 40 quilters who are arriving from all over the USA and Canada for a really fun time.
Those of you traveling in today --- safe journeys, my friends! See you soon!
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