I am inspired by their drive, by their vision, by how hard they work to make their dreams come true.
This past March while teaching in Portland, Oregon I met Gudrun Erla of GE Designs and was instantly smitten --- what’s not to love? She is a Minnesota girl ((Via Iceland!)) and we had an instant bond!
The woman is a dynamo, and can run circles….or marathons, literally, around us all! And she is such a ball of fun.
Here’s Gudrun leading the Quiltmaker Shuffle at Spring Quilt Market!
When she asked me to participate in her 10 year Anniversary Celebration, I agreed ---Of course! Here’s to 10 years living in the states, 10 years of great designs doing what she loves – and wishes for many more.
Here’s to independent working women making it happen wherever they are.
The hours are long, the work is hard, it’s not always a glamor job – but we are doing it because we are following our passion!
So here is what is going on:
You can win this quilt!
Very cool round quilt, straight from Gudrun’s Book:
Fast & Furious Home!
You can win the book too!
I am in love with this wall quilt from the book –Illusion!
What’s the Illusion? It’s made with a striped fabric, not strings! Hahaha! Fooled you!
How about a gorgeous FQ bundle of Gudrun’s Nordic inspired Fabrics??
You can win this Strip Ribbons Pattern! I love this!
Another of my favorites, I fell in love with this one in Portland at Block Party!
You can Win a Strip to be Square pattern!
Leave your comment here below on this post and then leave comments on each page on their day to enter to win one of many prizes!
Aug. 6th Bonnie Hunter quiltville.blogspot.com
Aug. 7th Quiltmaker quiltmaker.com/blogs/quiltypleasures
Aug. 8th Carrie Nelson lavieenrosie.typepad.com
Aug. 9th Jodie Davis itsarubberduckieworld.com
Aug. 10th Fat Quarter Shop fatquartershop.blogspot.com
Aug. 11th Pat Sloan blog.patsloan.com
Aug. 12th Lissa Alexander modalissa.blogspot.com
Aug. 13th Julie Herman jaybirdquilts.com
Aug. 14th Quilting Gallery quiltinggallery.com
Cross your fingers, wiggle your toes, wish on a star – and you could be the winner of one or more prizes from this exciting anniversary celebration!
As for me, I’m writing this ahead so it will post as I am flying my way home on a redeye flight from Anchorage, AK. First stop – Atlanta – next stop ---Greensboro – and straight to bed!
Good luck, Everyone!
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