We will have 6 full weeks of projects and tutorials when you sign up for the subscription. And starting September 6th, you will be able to view a whole week of "Previews" from each designer for Free! Here is a little snippet of my Preview Project:
As you can see by my snippet, my Preview Project may be a Halloween project.....you'll have to come on over and visit me to find out more!
So what do you get with your Create with Connie & Mary Holiday Subscription?
- Our Preview Period is from September 6th through September 17th.
During this time each of our five Senior Designers have a special
project to show you what Create with Connie and Mary is all about! The
preview projects are FREE and come with the normal full tutorials that
we do for all of our projects! Oh...and each Senior Designer will be
offering BLOG CANDY! - The Holiday Edition will run for 6 weeks starting Sunday, September 18th and ending Saturday, October 29th.
- What do you get for your subscription? You will get 6 GREAT
projects EACH week with a FULL DOWN-LOADABLE TUTORIAL (and templates if
appropriate) for EACH project. That's a total of 36 fabulous projects! - You get the opportunity to participate in our weekly challenges and
have your name entered into our drawing. We are giving away two $75
Stampin' Up! Gift Certificates and two FREE subscriptions to Create with
Connie and Mary Occasions Edition 2012! Our Saturday challenges are
shared on our personal blogs for everyone to see, but only subscribers
can win our drawings! - ALL of our projects are EXCLUSIVE to Create with Connie and Mary
Holiday Edition. You will NOT see the design team posting previews of
the projects on their blogs or any public gallery. The ONLY way to see
the projects is to become a subscriber!
What does this cost? The EARLY BIRD SPECIAL,
from now until September 17th is $29.95...a $5 savings off the regular
$34.95 price! That is less than a $1 a project for EACH FULL PROJECT
Click HERE to sign up today!
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