I am packing Shamu for her very busy days ahead!
Lined up in front of the back seats are four beautiful vintage ladies – all cleaned, oiled and supplied with extra bobbins for those who need a machine during collaboration celebration!
We have one singer 500 a – Rocketeer, Two Singer 301 A's, And a sweet little featherweight – all ready for a long weekend of stitching!
They are tagged with the names of the quilters who have requested a machine for this event.
Over 40 women coming – you know it's going to be a good time down in Winston-Salem, North Carolina this weekend :-)
Which reminds me – I should grab an extra couple packs of needles, just in case. ((Yes, I am still making mental lists in my head – I don't want to forget anything.))
Somewhere along the line – I almost forgot about packing my own sewing stuff for my own projects.
If someone finds my brain up in Alaska, would they please return it to me ASAP!
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