I’ve Been Hexie-Clocked!

Have you seen the IKEA Hexie clock that has been going around the internet, forwarded and posted by hexie lovers everywhere? I had toyed wit... thumbnail 1 summary
Have you seen the IKEA Hexie clock that has been going around the internet, forwarded and posted by hexie lovers everywhere?

I had toyed with the idea of getting one on my next Ikea trip – which hasn’t happened yet.

And then I get a package from Sigrid in the mail, all the way from Germany!

The silly girl – just what is she up to?

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It shakes! It rattles!

This worries me because the package says FRAGILE on the front!

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Hahahahaha!  I recognize what this is by the pictures she has attached to the note!

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Hexi-Clock Fun!

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This is Ikea --- there are no directions!  Can I figure this out?!

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YES!!  It’s on the wall in my studio!

Now, know this – it is going to drive ANY of the OCD-Symmetrical folks out there batty ---because there are not enough of each color to do a normal “design”  This is a scrappy hexie clock for sure…but I love it!

It’s also not as easy to click together as you would think, as soon as I had one section attached, another side would come UNATTACHED…so go for the free form approach and just let them be wherever they will stay connected!

How about a clock UPDO!?


Click to SewFearless HERE to see how she covered her hexies with her favorite scraps!

What a great idea!

I don’t have time to dig into this project now ---but I like it!

I’m just happy to have Sigrid’s gift of a hexie clock hanging on my studio wall reminding me of the time we spent together in Ireland.

Thanks again, Sigrid!

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