Hello from Huntsville! Give-Away Time!

I’ve arrived in Huntsville! But BOY what a day ---it took me over 11 hours to get here. But I’m here! And before I get into my day, I wanted... thumbnail 1 summary
I’ve arrived in Huntsville!

But BOY what a day ---it took me over 11 hours to get here.

But I’m here!

And before I get into my day, I wanted to do our drawing!

This really IS a great issue, and I hope that those of you who  don’t subscribe will find this at a news stand near you.  Or Just Subscribe! 

You know I will always have something going on in there, whether it’s a pattern, or a mystery that runs through 3/4 of the year  ((The last one was 4 out of 6 issues, so yes, 3/4 the year!)) or just for my Addicted to Scraps column that is featured in every issue.  This magazine is the best value on the market out there right now ---tell your family to gift it to you from Santa!  You won’t be sorry.

So…are you ready?


Bonnie. I would love to win this issue of Quiltmaker magazine. Who knows, I might be inspired to get to working on a Christmas quilt. I need another one so I'll have one for both my grown sons. I love how you are so willing to share yourself and your talent with your many followers. Please know that we appreciate you.
Thank you so much Roanoke, and congrats!

I’ve sent you a message via your profile – get back to me with your snail mail address and I will get this off into the mail to you as soon as I return home.

SO.  Today!

I left on the airport shuttle at 9:15 am.  I got to the gate….no plane.  Finally a plane….no co-pilot!  This was BAD.

But that’s okay, This was GOOD:  I was sitting at the empty gate area across from my gate just pecking away at my phone and a whole entourage came to join me ---

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The person you can’t see with her legs crossed was the nicest gal and we started talking ---about being on the road, about hotel food and what we do when we are not traveling. 

It turns out she is the merchandizing manager for this group of guys. ((that you can see half of..the other half are behind us on the chairs))  If you had to gues ANY profession for this group of guys, what would it be?


Jackyl!  The Rock Band!

Not that I know anything about hard rock --- but my son knows music, and he knows who these guys are – and he was pretty pumped that there was his mom, stuck at an airport having normal every day conversations with a touring rock band…how fun!

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I was gifted a guitar pick as we finally boarded our plane – I’ll give it to Jason!

The guys talked about going home to their kids.  And how hard it is to be on the road away from family, and how they try to schedule things to make life as “normal” as possible.  Ring a bell?

Their group has been together for 20 years.  I don’t know if *I* can keep this up for 20 years – so hats off to them!

It just goes to show you can NOT judge books by their cover.  They were fun and interesting to talk to.  Just real, normal people.

We are all in this together.  And I love talking to people wherever I go and finding out about them, their lives, their insights, their take on things.

So we got to Atlanta ---LATE.

And I missed my connection.    This was BAD.

But THIS was GOOD:

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I made my standby connection and got into Houston only an hour and a half later than expected!  AND – I got an EXIT row seat!  Here I am hexing the day away.

Linda picked me up at the airport baggage claim.  So good to see her again, she was with me on the Ireland trip!

We stopped to have a bite of dinner on the way, and finally pulled up to the hotel to find that they had lost my reservation.  This is BAD!!

But they made up for it…..with a SUITE!


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Talk about spread out room!  I’ve even got TWO DESKS!

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One for the laptop and one for the borrowed featherweight I am about to set up!

I’ll be here two nights.  Tomorrow evening is my lecture in Huntsville, followed by a class on Tuesday, and Tuesday evening is my lecture in Bryan followed by a workshop on Wednesday ---

Hello, Texas, It’s great to see you again!

((Yes, this is definitely ALL GOOD!))

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

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