Revit 2011 - Student Community Release?

I know I have not posted many original tutorials and editorials (like I usually do) and I apologize to all of you who look forward to them. ... thumbnail 1 summary
I know I have not posted many original tutorials and editorials (like I usually do) and I apologize to all of you who look forward to them. Seeing as a lot of my readers are students I am sure you can all understand how busy I have been while taking 5 classes and Design Studio and working... Needless to say, I have barely had time to breathe. I promise as soon as I get some free time I will address some of your emails I have not addressed yet as well as posting some original tutorials. For today, I wanted to talk about the release of the Revit 2011 products.

The Student Community is usually the last place that the Revit products are released. Maybe, this year it will be very close to the actual release date. Anyone who has information on when the Student Community will get the 2011 versions please comment. I have asked my contacts at Autodesk and no one knows.

As for what you and I, the students, will do on April 16th... I just checked my schedule and April 29th appears to be my final jury review. The question is, should I finish my project in 2011? If the release is April 16th and I can have a 30 day free trial that will allow me to use the software, and save/print, until the middle of May. Finally, the Student version should be released by the end of the 30 day trial and I can simply activate...

Is it worth it? I think from a students perspective downloading and using 2011 right away is very much worth it. I am excited for the real time sun path manipulation (that will create some great images for my presentation board). Also, the new FBX link to 3DS Max could greatly increase those ridiculous render times (especially within the last hectic weeks).

What are you going to do on April 16th?

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