Allietare! Mystery Monday Link-Up, Part 2!

It’s that favorite kind of Monday! A Mystery Monday Link-Up kind of happy day! I have seen so many photos of such great progress happening a... thumbnail 1 summary
It’s that favorite kind of Monday!

A Mystery Monday Link-Up kind of happy day!

I have seen so many photos of such great progress happening all over blogland and in Facebook and Instagram – even on Pinterest photos are popping up and everyone is getting into the spirit of Allietare!

Do you remember what Allietare means?

To GLADDEN!  To REJOICE!  To become CHEERFUL!  It’s the perfect name for this quilt, it made me so happy to watch it come together.

Especially as we go into the holidays and things wind up and get busy, let’s remember to BECOME Cheerful.  It’s a choice.  it doesn’t happen on its own.  So find those small joys and expand them in your life.

You can find out how to pronounce Allietare HERE.  Practice it until that "r" rolls right off of your tongue, and you’ll be shouting it out loud in public in no time!

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