It’s hard to see but this is “almost” a sunrise on a cloudy and a little bit rainy day upon our arrival in St Maarten!
I’ve been getting out early every morning as often as I could to walk the track and greet the new day.
However, yesterday I decided to take the day “OFF” as a rest day, and instead of going ashore, I stayed on ship to catch up on some sleep, some hexies, some quiet time away from the maddening crowds.
I don’t regret my decision!
We had purchased an ATV excursion, but after the heat and the humidity of the day before in St Thomas, the last thing I really wanted to do was go ride out into the HOT with a helmet on my head.
Instead, we sent our Janome machine tech and all around bobbin boy out to take my place and he and The Hubster had a great time riding 4 wheelers all over St Maarten, both the Dutch side, and the French side.
Sometimes you just have to take a TIME OUT.
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