Things Round Here…and QUILT-CAM Tonight!

It’s time for afternoon naps.  At least Emmy Lou isn't finding it hard to comply. She’s curled up on top of a quilt top I had placed in ... thumbnail 1 summary
It’s time for afternoon naps.  At least Emmy Lou isn't finding it hard to comply.

She’s curled up on top of a quilt top I had placed in my office chair.

I won’t disturb her, she looks rather comfy there.  She has stayed near me since I arrived home on Sunday night….if I didn’t know better, I would think she misses me.

And I rather enjoy the company down here as I work away!

Exciting things happening here in the studio – this afternoon after getting back from having Shamu’s oil changed and tire rotated ((It didn’t take LONG enough! I was just getting into hexie mode when they called and said they were done! Drats!)) 

I found the pdf proofs of Ring Around the Hexies in my inbox!  Whoowhooo!  I found only one thing on my section that needed tweaking, Mickey is going over her part – and then we will be off to PRINT!  HOW EXCITING!

Many of you have already pre-ordered, and those orders will go out as soon as we have copies in our hot little hands.  If you missed yesterday’s post, and have NO IDEA what I am talking about, click HERE to catch up!

Now that my proof checks are done, I’m scrambling to get things ready for cabin sewing this weekend.

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Neutrals! Always Neutrals!

And I love them…a whole variety of them.  And I admit it.  I’m passive aggressive enough with my fabric to push the boundaries of what goes and what doesn’t….and I find myself sticking strange things into the backgrounds of my quilts to make them more fun for me to sew, and more fun for others to look at. ((Or wonder at!))  I want all the cutting done before I go, so that cabin time is strictly sewing time, not pressing and cutting time.  Pieces will travel in zip lock bags, ready for stitching.

Some of the pieces I need are rather small ((you guys KNOW me so well!!)) and where I fell short in my strip bins, I found myself digging in my neutral strings box to see what I could glean out of there.

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Oh boy! It’s full!

There are some bigger hunks and chunks in here that were too big to be crumbs, but not long enough to cut strips from so in here they landed.  I’m trying to make some breathing room in this bin and increase my neutrals variety by pulling what I can from this mother load!

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Sadie just shakes her head.  “Whatever floats your boat, mom!”

Don’t worry, this year’s mystery quilt does NOT include strings.  But I can tell there will be SOMETHING that includes neutral strings again in my future --- there is way too much in this bin, but I love having it on hand to pull from!  Oh, the possibilities!

Don’t forget --- Tonight at 9pm EST!


I have Nancy B to thank for this photo, she posted it to the facebook wall!

I hope you’ll be here, bring a project, something to cut – something to press, something to bind or applique or just straighten your studio while I spend the evening sewing with you!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

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