Just look!
She writes:
Bonnie,Thanks for archiving quilt cam broadcasts ! I got a lot done in a quick 90mins than I expected to all day! I'm going to school and working full time so I sew at odd times just to get it in.
These things were put together while watching the 9/14 quilt cam:) the stars were from scraps...
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!Nadia in San Diego
Most of us sew in fits and starts and small moments, don't we? That's what I'm hoping Quilt-Cam does for you -- gives you a REASON to push for an hour or so of stitching time you normally would let pass by.
How much can YOU get done during Quilt-Cam?? Test yourself and see!
I tell you what, if it weren’t for Quilt-Cam, my quilting studio would not get shoveled out near as often as it does. It has helped me keep my space a lot neater and more organized.
But it hadn’t been vacuumed in a while and, well, I, uh…you know?
I thought I’d “DUST” off a linty machine with the vacuum hose ----and….
That dang vacuum hose sucked the spool pin doily right off my machine! LOL!
Never fear, it’s been retrieved and is now ready to roll on top of a machine I really haven’t sewn on since acquiring it a few months back.
This is a Viking Husqvarna model 12!
I haven’t had any luck dating her, but she is a very strange shade of green in the crinkle/godzilla finish. I’m thinking late 40’s through the 50s.
I’ve cleaned her up a bit….there are some other areas that are going to need more detailing..but there wasn’t time ---Her bobbin winder needs tweaking….the wheel turns, but the bobbin doesn’t wind. Will have to work on that. I wound her a bobbin on the Janome!
I’m working on more Square-in-a-square cornerstones tonight. I need half a gazillion more and I haven’t touched them since the last Quilt-Cam session.
So let’s sew! What are you working on?
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