Sweet Sadie Jane ---GLUED to where Mama is ---I’m sure she was not even happy with me doing Quilt-Cam last night – she came in and out of the room a couple of times to check on me to be sure that I was still there.
Look at those eyes -- they say it ALL!
Sadie and I had a little bit of a sleep in this morning – I was so wound up last night that I didn’t get to sleep til past midnight – I’m usually a 10:30pm girl. Out like a light, and up at 7am, pretty much like clockwork, but it’s been a busy month!
And poor Sadie, I’m having to leave you again tomorrow! I’m so grateful that my son Jeff is at home to hold down the fort while we are gone. He is taking such good care of things.
In the yard as I pulled up, I also got the cold shoulder from this girl:
Of course Chloe has ALWAYS given me the cold shoulder ----She likes to be just out of reach, hates petting and cuddling and is kindly referred to as “the yard ornament.”
I can occasionally catch her in a good mood ((for about 30 seconds)) and get her to emit a slight purr if I tickle her under her chin. But whatever makes her happy. She had a rough life before we adopted her, and if this is where her comfort level is – so be it!
Emmy lou was UNDER the bed sleeping, so I didn’t catch her either ---
But I did catch this:
New dish cloths for the cabin!!
Thank you Subee! I came home to a lovely squishy package that had been waiting for me here at home for a couple of days while I was off to the wilds of Downtown Winston-Salem for Collaboration Celebration and off to the mountains with Mickey at the cabin. A whole SET of hand-knit dishcloths!!
Watch out, world – Subee has taught herself how to knit! If she knits as proficiently as she quilts, the world will be showered with dishcloths, socks, hats and other knit-wear, there is no stopping her productivity!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!
The cabin is going to love these. My small kitchen doesn’t have a dishwasher ((Other than ME!)) and I will think of you every time I use them--
Today is for packing. Again! Layers and jackets and warm stuff for glacier discovery.
And book work ---and order filling of the book orders that have come in since Thursday.
Tonight, it’s early to bed – Jeff is taking me to the airport at 5:00am and I’ll be Seattle bound!
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