Flags for Lac Megantic

I received an email from Teresa McRory that was urgent enough to interrupt our regularly scheduled slide show posting from yesterday’s Bow-D... thumbnail 1 summary
I received an email from Teresa McRory that was urgent enough to interrupt our regularly scheduled slide show posting from yesterday’s Bow-Dacious workshop to pass on the following information.

Okay, that and the fact that it is now  10pm in Soldotna, Alaska – my body clock is saying it is 2am in North Carolina, and I don’t have the energy to stay up and edit down all the photos right now after teaching an all day workshop, and following up with an evening lecture – this girl needs some shut eye!

I thought I would post this in the regular morning slot, and then when I get up in the morning here, Alaska time – I’ll tackle the slide show and hopefully get it posted before I leave to teach tomorrow’s workshop, so be looking for it early afternoon – that is IF I can get it to post through the barely-there wifi signal I’ve been using from my iphone hot-spot.

Please read what Theresa has shared, open your hearts ---and SEW!

She writes:
Hi Bonnie,
I am a follower of your blog (and your website!) Fell in love with Quiltville back in 2006 when I started quilting. I am a great admirer of your talents...and your STAMINA! How do you do it???? You are constantly traveling, always in a good mood and ready to go....I am so impressed!  I watch quilt cam when I can...I think it's a great way for people who don't belong to a group or guild to feel connected to other quilters. Great job!
I am sure you get many requests so I understand completely if you cannot help me with this, but I thought I would ask. On July 6, the small town of Lac Megantic, Quebec had a major train derailment of oil. The tankers blew up and basically decimated the center of town, as well as killing 47 innocent people. It is a tragedy. The town has rallied and has had a lot of support from across the world, but it will takes years to rebuild and for the people effected, some will never get over this.
A quilt shop in Montreal is organizing the collection of flags ( like the ones made for Boston after the marathon bombings) which will be displayed at Lac Megantic in the fall to let the community know that they have the support of people around the world. I am attaching the email address of the shop, which has directions on how to make the flags and where to send them. I am sure that if you mentioned it on your blog they would receive so many flags, but again, I understand if you cannot. They need the flags by August 24.
I have made some flags and I must say it was a great way to feel like I am doing something to support Lac Megantic.
Thanks Bonnie and keep up all the great work!! (Take a vacation now and then....and Ireland trips where you work the whole time don't count!).
Have a great day!
Click HERE for the link directly to the website where you can down load the pdf patterns for paper piecing the flag blocks.

Berene Campbell, the instigator of To Boston with love, has made great English tutorials:

Also check HappySewLucky:
You all came through and showered Boston with love –it touched so many hearts.  If you feel so lead, would you please consider making a flag or two for Lac Megantic?

You can mail your flags to:

Courtepointe Claire
3143 Boulevard Dagenais Ouest
Laval QC H7P 1T8

Thanks so much for all you do!  Please feel free to share this post with your facebook pages, your twitter page, your newsgroups and email lists and any other place that quilters gather.  We can, and have and will continue to make a difference by joining together!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

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