This is the time of year when everyone gets all gung ho about their “Word of the Year” and what they are going to do with it.
There is great anticipation of good things to come, and how lives and life styles are going to change if we just put this magic word into practice for 12 months of concentrated effort.
It’s as if one word can create miracles, and all of the puzzle pieces in the chaos of our day to day activity will fall into place if we just heed that one word of the year.
I have spent a lot of time over the past month in deep study of myself, including friends, family and online relationships with others through this thing we call social media.
My past year was all Hurry Hurry Hurry, get it done, deadlines loom, there is no time to slow down, there is no time for more than a short concise answer.
2015 was a year of many changes and challenges, many of which have taken me to my knees.
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