She writes:
Hi Bonnie, I am Stephanie Carter the designer behind Lily Ashbury fabric for Moda.
I have a new line shipping in a week or so and would love to offer your followers a giveaway as soon as I have my hands on the precuts.
I have also designed a quilt (see pic below) and would be most happy to offer a pattern as well. Please let me know if you are interested?
Warmest regards,Stephanie Carter
Okay, who are we to turn down the offer of gorgeous fabric and a free pattern?
I mean, take a look at this yumminess!
Yowza! These are my 2013 favorite colors!
You did see my Lazy Sunday Quilt, Right?
Oh, I think this girl is right up my alley!
If you haven’t started Lazy Sunday yet, I think this gorgeous Layer Cake would get you well
under way!
That is IF you didn’t decide to make the High Street quilt from the included free pattern
right off!
And this is the beautiful face behind it all. It’s thanks to her generosity that we are holding
this Give-Away!
So here is what I’m going to do. I’m headed to the cabin this morning. I’ll be home Sunday night.
Leave a comment below with what you would want to make with this luscious layer-cake. I will draw Sunday Evening for the winner of both the layer-cake and the free pattern!
And while you are out and about shopping, check your local quilt shop for Lily Ashbury High Street fabrics. If they are there, give them a pet and a feel and take some home, come on,
you know you want to!
If you don’t find them, consider asking your shop to get them in. They are just the fabrics
you are looking for!
I’ll be in touch from the cabin with quick updates…but mostly I’ll be getting in as much
piecing time as I can!
Have a great weekend, everyone!

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