iPhone-o-Gram! Feet on the treadle!

This is our projected weather! Beautiful with more chances of autumn perfection in the forecast! I moved the treadle machine back out to th... thumbnail 1 summary
This is our projected weather! Beautiful with more chances of autumn perfection in the forecast!

I moved the treadle machine back out to the patio after lunch---the clouds are Amazing!

Feet on the pedal, right foot just ahead of left, working the pedal like a teeter-totter, the movement soothing and slow paced.

Days like this are for relishing, not rushing through!

Sadie agrees as she soaks up the afternoon sun in the yard!

Nothing I can show you yet as I am working on our November mystery--but blocks are coming together and I am so excited to see how this is coming together.

A design on paper or a computer screen is one thing, but seeing it in the selections of fabrics I have chosen, oh yes--this is good!

Yardage requirements mid-October! That deadline keeps me focused, and with that I put this phone post away and get back to it!

Love from the Blue Ridge!

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