Comment Problems….The Search For The Answer!

I've been frustrated with the inability to comment on behalf of those who can not comment! There are many things beyond my control.   It... thumbnail 1 summary
I've been frustrated with the inability to comment on behalf of those who can not comment!

There are many things beyond my control.   It doesn't have to do with MY settings, but with the variety of browsers and settings set by each individual on their own computers.

This post is my effort to help YOU help yourself when it comes to commenting on the blog.

I know it’s not as fun as a quilt post ---but believe me, I am researching all I can to get this to work for all of us.

Comments are embedded at the bottom of each post.  This is because many of us have pop-up blockers, and a pop-up comment window will not work with those.  Embedded comments also become an integral part of the post as we interact with each other.  I hope you will be able to find a way to make the comments section work for you so that we  can all be seen and heard and share!

To leave a comment on this blog you need either a Google ID or an Open ID.

  • Google Account: If you choose this option, your comment will be attributed to your Blogger display name, which will then link to your Blogger profile. If you've chosen to link to Google+ , then the name used on your Google+ profile will show up next to the comment, and link to your Google+ profile.
  • OpenID: Learn more about what it means to use OpenID to leave a comment.

IDs are free to obtain, and you might find you already have one.

While I was at Mary Koval’s in July --- she said that SHE was having trouble commenting from her Ipad.

I watched her.  I wanted to see what she was doing that would cause such a difference.

#1.  She was not logged into Google to begin with.

Solution to try….Because I am a gmail user, I always log into my gmail first thing.  I make sure I open my email first, so that I am logged in.

#2.  She clicked a link to my blog on her iPad via Facebook.  Links on an iPad or other mobile device will take you to the link, but still have you logged in via Facebook  so that Blogger can’t recognize your Google ID.  You are at this point logged in with your Facebook ID.  You have to open the link in a new browser page, or if visible, X out of Facebook if there is a Facebook bar at the top of the post you are trying to comment on.

This is a screen shot of what happens when I click a link on my iPhone in Facebook.  Can you see the blue bar at the top?  I'm able to read the post, but I am reading it THROUGH Facebook, with my Facebook ID.  I can NOT comment on the blog through Facebook.  

When I tried, even though it let me "choose" to comment with my Google ID, the comment completely disappeared.  You can NOT comment through Facebook!  You have to be directly on the post. I hope this makes better sense to those who are visiting via Facebook on their mobile devices.

By x-ing out of the Facebook link-through, Mary was able to comment on the blog post just fine.  In this case, it was the Facebook link-through that was causing the problem.  If you are visiting the blog via clicking a link in Facebook, remember this.  Try a new page.  Copy and paste the address, or x out the extra bar across the top of the page (It will be blue just like the Facebook header bar) to be sure you are REALLY on the real post, not just a link through.

This worked for Mary from her iPad!  Hopefully this will work for those on mobile devices.

And it doesn't just apply to Facebook.  If you are reading via a blog-reader site such as Bloglovin', you have GOT to X out of the extra bar at the top to be sure you are on the actual post, not just a mirror image site.

Better yet --Save my blog address as a bookmark directly ON  the screen of your mobile device to read me.  That way you KNOW you are on the site with no interference from trying to read through other places.

Another solution to try -- clear your cache!  Too many different IDs logged in at once can cause a confusion of who you are to the blog comment gremlins.

Try this:

If you have a Google ID and are getting trapped in an endless loop of sign-in followed by word verification:  
1. Close all web browser windows but one.
2. In that window, clear all of your cookies, cache, passwords, everything (in IE browser,  go to Tools, then Internet Options, then under Browsing History click “Delete” and leave all boxes checked and click “Delete” again). 
3. Then go to and login, but here’s the catch, make sure you DO NOT check the box for “remember me.” If that box is checked, you must un-check it.
4. Then you can go to any Blogger blog and you should be able to comment as yourself again.
If the Google sign in box comes up, make sure you UN-CHECK the box that says REMEMBER ME.
I don’t know why this works, but it does.
#3  You must have 3rd party cookies enabled!  The comments form is embedded at the bottom of each post.  3rd party cookies MUST be enabled for you to comment.  This is so your Google ID will be recognizable to the comment form.  This is how the blog recognizes you as you, and not an impostor.
First of all, make sure your browser is up to date and you have the most current version.

Internet Explorer:
To Enable Third Party Cookies in Internet Explorer
1. Click on "Tools" on the menu bar and then click on "Internet Options".
2. Click on the "Privacy" tab. Select the "Advanced" button under "Settings". The "Advanced Privacy Settings" window should now open.


3. Check the "Override automatic cookie handling" box so that you now have access to the "First-party Cookies" and "Third-party Cookies" options.
4. Select "Accept" for "Third-party Cookies".


To Enable Third Party Cookies in FireFox
1. Click the "Tools" menu
2. Click "Options..."
3. Select the "Privacy" menu
4. Check the "Accept third-party cookies"
5. Make sure "Keep until" is set to "they expire"


To Enable Third Party Cookies in Google Chrome
  1. Click the Chrome menu icon Chrome menu.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Near the bottom of the page, click Show advanced settings.
  4. In the "Privacy" section, click Content settings.
  5. To enable cookies, select Allow local data to be set (recommended).

To Enable Third Party Cookies in Safari
1. Click the "Safari" menu
2. Click "Preferences..."
3. Click the "Security" menu
4. For "Accept cookies" select "Always"

I am still searching for more information that might bring answers to those who question “Why can’t I comment?”

If you have had trouble commenting, and have found a solution, will you COMMENT on this post to share your wisdom and knowledge with us all? 

And one more thing.:  Add YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS to your profile!

**Important** PLEASE check to be sure your email address is visible in your profile, or leave your address on your comment.  If I can not reach you via email, I can't respond to you or answer your questions. If I am running a giveaway, and draw your name -- and you don't have a visible email address,  I'll have to draw someone else.

How do you know your address is included or not? In Google+ or in Blogger, click your profile image at the upper right of the page.  A drop down card will appear like this:

If you can SEE your email address listed, you are good to go.

If you email address is NOT  there, click view profile and add it by clicking the blue people peg at the upper left of the page that opens.  Scroll down to settings, click that and add your email address.Be sure to save your settings.

Nothing is more frustrating than wanting to comment back to you but being unable to because of no email address linked to your profile --- especially when I have drawn you for a winner!

It is my desire to have happy commenters and less frustration.

It’s cloudy and overcast on the Blue Ridge today. It really feels like fall!  Breakfast has been had, dishes have been washed, laundry is running, and I’m setting up to sew!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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