I LOVE colorful glass, and the works of many artisans from all over the United States and Canada are on display and for purchase in the gallery.
I’ve never worked with blown glass, but I am amazed by it….the same goes for stained glass as well, with such a close connection to patchwork.
Glass work takes precision, perseverance, expertise and vision. So does patchwork.
It takes an intuitive knowledge of color, of value, of contrast and of texture and eye-appeal. So does patchwork.
The only problem was making myself stick to one small item that wouldn't throw the weight of my suitcase overboard, and it had to be something virtually unbreakable.
UN-breakable….In a glass gallery?
I treated myself to this sweet little bracelet, I am so in love with it!
I’m not a big jewelry girl. Heavy necklaces wear me down, I don’t like to travel with a lot of different beads and baubles – I rarely even change out my earrings unless it is a special occasion – simplest is best for me.
But this, while not expensive, spoke to me! Perfect with jeans, and great with a skirt for dressing up a bit ---I treated myself.
I was tickled when I brought my item to the counter and received a printed out bio on the local artist, Bernadette Fuentes.
Along with basic information, I was informed that each bead is created individually using ancient old techniques. (((And here I thought beads came from Michael’s with a coupon!!))
Using a stationary torch, fueled with propane and oxygen, glass rods are heated to the consistency of honey and manipulated to create each bead. Then they are put into a kiln to insure stability. Over the years Bernadette has also worked with Moretti and Bulls Eye glass.
Using a stationary torch, fueled with propane and oxygen, glass rods are heated to the consistency of honey and manipulated to create each bead. Then they are put into a kiln to insure stability. Over the years Bernadette has also worked with Moretti and Bulls Eye glass.
I do not know what Moretti or Bulls Eye glass are.
I don’t know the first thing about the awards she has won for her artwork, but as an artist, I feel a connection to Bernadette.
The last line of her bio reads:
Over the years Bernadette has felt blessed to do what she loves best and can not imagine a life any different.
And neither can I, my friends --- Neither can I!
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