She writes:
I hope the New Zealanders and Aussies are up and at it and tuning in tonight. My apologies to the Brits & Europeans…I’ve just not been home of a weekend afternoon. IN fact, I don’t remember the last Saturday or Sunday that I actually was HOME to do Quilt-Cam!
Here's my set up, you, Bertie the cat on two quilts ready for binding and my lovely new 99k, I'm working on sisters choice 9 patches along with dark squares for the leader/ender challenge!
Great to see you here in the afternoon in New Zealand!
It’s been a very busy summer with loads of travel, gone for long periods, home for a day in between and off again.
I know the time for Quilt-Cam has been lacking, but I have not been slacking! It’s just one of those things that I can’t do from the road, so we stick it in here when we can.
I cleaned up the studio a bit in preparation for sewing at the treadle machine tonight. TWO crumb/string projects are hogging all the horizontal surfaces..
There is THIS ONE…the brings to mind the greens of Ireland:
Lovely string blocks in shades of green…every green I can think of!
And then, yes…there are STILL these:
These are trimmed and ready to be de-papered and sewn together.
My current mess is waiting!
I flipped a coin! I didn’t know which one to work on tonight, but the crumb strips won. If you have a long languishing project..maybe this means you need to keep working on it too, instead of getting distracted by something NEW!
Let’s sew….I’m firing up the webcam! Click the arrow on the screen below to start the feed!
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