So you want to know how to install Qt 5.1 on lubuntu? it's very simple, but first you will need to download the Qt 5.1 package from the Qt website here.
For this example i'm going use the Qt 5.1 for android 32 bit linux version, but you can download the non android version, it's same way to install.
Alright now that i already have the Qt 5.1 installer on my home directory, now open the command line terminal and then go to where the Qt 5.1 installer file located.
The Qt 5.1 installer file called, you will need to give permission to execute, by typing :
chmod +rwx
Noticed that if you "ls" now the Qt installer file become green that means you can go ahead run it, type this command on your console :
Okay now you will be seeing the Qt 5.1 setup wizard, just follow the procedure until finish. I suggest install it on your home directory.
Once the installation finish you will see the Qt creator on start menu > programming > Qt creator. That's your Qt's IDE.
Now it's time for you to test it, give it a try, make simple program, hello world or something. When you finish try to run it.
If it's error saying "Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure the compiler in the kit options". This means you currently don't have g++/gcc compiler, read my previous post, you need to get some package from the repository, type this :
sudo apt-get install build-essential
Once the compiler installed, now close the Qt creator and run again, this time your program should works.
Happy coding :)
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