Downtown Train!

The Hubster’s flight got in about 3pm ---and we made plans to hop the light rail from the airport ((our hotel was very close)) downtown to d... thumbnail 1 summary
The Hubster’s flight got in about 3pm ---and we made plans to hop the light rail from the airport ((our hotel was very close)) downtown to do some sightseeing and find a place for dinner.

This shot of the downtown seattle skyline was caught from the window of the train ---the train was a great way to get from place to place and we found the whole process easy!

Not having ever been in downtown Seattle before, we weren’t sure which way to head, so we chose City Center ---full of shops and restaurants and just enjoyed our evening.  The weather was gorgeous!

You can see both the football stadium and the baseball stadium right next to each other in this photo ---

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While walking downtown, don’t forget to look up!

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And don’t forget to look HERE!!

You’ve probably heard of the All Saints clothing chain before, I’d seen photos –but it’s true!  The walls are lined with vintage sewing machines ---I didn’t care about the overpriced clothing, I just wanted a good look at those machines!

Can you see my reflection in the right front door taking this photo?

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The glass was so reflective at this time of the day I had to go inside to get better photos!

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Many of the machines were hand cranks.  Lots of singers, but several others too.

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Some of them in such excellent condition that I hated to see them strapped down like this.

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Glimpses of machines between clothing hanging on the wall.

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Everywhere you look – more machines!

From what I could tell, the machines are not being harmed in any way.  They are strapped down, but nothing bolted or preventing any machine from becoming useful again ---that was a bit comforting.

I wanted to take this one home:

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Singer 66 with Lotus Decals!

I have wanted a machine with these decals for a long time!

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Floor to ceiling machines!

I found the clothing in the store to be completely drab –all black and grey.  It might be the “in” thing, but I like color!

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Road weary after a long day of travel, but I was the most colorful one in the store with my Maine Quilts tshirt!

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If you have a chance to wander in – do so!  Don’t be shy!  I asked the staff if they have lots of folks wandering in just to see the machines.  The young man shook his head and said “only about 5 an hour ---and they want to know if they are for sale!”

The next place we wandered ---

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I must be getting old.  All of the shoes remind me of the shoes in Back to the Future where they are IN the future.

But I did like the colors --- perhaps there is a quilt in the making here?

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There may be indeed!

This morning we are headed to the pier and our Alaskan Cruise Adventure begins!  I’ll be in touch as often as I can ---I did write one blog post ahead for tomorrow, but other than that I’ll be grabbing wifi where I can so be patient with me ((And keep checking back!))

Bon Voyage, Y’all!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

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