An Extraordinary Quilter!

Every once in a while I get an email that just drops me in my tracks! And photos that BEG to be shared. I wanted to share with you Jesse’s O... thumbnail 1 summary
Every once in a while I get an email that just drops me in my tracks!

And photos that BEG to be shared.

I wanted to share with you Jesse’s Orca Bay quilt!

She writes:

Dear Bonnie,

    I found your Orca Bay Quilt Pattern online and fell in love with it!!!

Since I am 15 years old and in 4-H, I decided I would make Orca Bay and Enter in the Johnson County Kansas fair.

I am the club reporter for the Great Plains 4-H club, and thought I would email you and share with you my results with your pattern.

Instead of using your color scheme, I went with the colors purple, aqua, white and black to match my bedroom. Because I was entering this quilt in fair, I had to get all the points, corner and seams to match up... Consequently, it took me seven months to make this quilt!

Your instructions were very easy for me to follow (THANK YOU).

Orca Bay is found in my book String Fling
This was my first time to use the Companion and easy angle. I have made four other lap size quilts before, but not a king size quilt!

I wanted to thank you for providing this quilt pattern because I learned sooo much!!!

Fair was two weeks ago and my quilt got a Purple and a Grand Champion Ribbon. Because I got a purple, I am taking this quilt to state fair in September. Because my project was so big, and because I did a lot of community service with quilting, and because I taught the quilting class in my 4-H club, I am doing a Kansas Award Portfolio.

I have yet to use my quilt, so after state fair I will finally get to use my quilt. I had heard that you visited a quilt shop in Shawnee, Kansas. I would love to listen to teach you if you were to visit near me again!! I attached a picture of me and my finished quilt.

                  Jessica Gunkel
Not only is Jess’s quilt GORGEOUS in her purples and aquas, but she is cute as a bug herself!

She is a quilter to be reckoned with!  Oh, if only we ALL could have started so early ----imagine the things we could accomplish!

Congrats, Jesse, let me know how you do in the State Fair!  This one is a winner for sure!

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