A Little Patience Now And Then!

First off, because I didn’t want to gross you out with photos of a very dirty Singer 301 right off the bat- Isn’t this sweet potato vine jus... thumbnail 1 summary
First off, because I didn’t want to gross you out with photos of a very dirty Singer 301 right off the bat-

Isn’t this sweet potato vine just GORGEOUS?!

I love this color….and the little bit of purple-whatever that is growing next to it too.  FRESH green --- love it!

I met with my friend Jen for lunch and we had an hour of non-stop gab and chatter.  Just what I needed.

This sweet potato vine was spotted in the parking lot as we walked out to go to our cars....so pretty.

I came home, and decided to tackle the really DIRTY job that has been waiting over the past few days…

But before I can get in and deep clean the machine...uhoh…we have a problem!

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THIS is a very dirty bobbin assembly….

And there is a HUGE wad of thread stuck behind that one hole there…can you see it? PINK?! Yeah.  That is NOT supposed to be there.  At this point the motor is even bogged down.

Tweezers did not work, hemostats did not work, I couldn't even make it budge with my seam ripper and I was afraid of breaking the tip off of my best seam ripper if I kept digging.

Do you see that hole to the left at the bottom? That is where a gib screw goes…TINY little thing.  I removed the gib screw…

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Which enabled me to swing the arm of the bobbin race out….and get that wad of thread out of there.  BOY! Does this machine need a bath! 

This is the Franken Singer that I posted about the other day, REMEMBER?  The one where I combined two parts machines into one working machine…I needed to be sure it was going to run before I did all the cleaning, so I usually check to see if it is going to be worth my effort to clean it before I get started.

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Testing machine to see if it runs.

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This is the kind of gross crusted on nicotine stuff that has been on this machine for 50+ years.  The machine was COATED with it! ((Yeah, imagine what that does to your lungs too!))

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After some patience, long-suffering and lots of elbow grease!

It’s looking SO much better!  Next step up is a good coat of car wax to protect and shine.  There are some cosmetic issues that will always be there, like the deep gouges in the machine bed and the wear and tear on the front edge of the machine.  The GOOD story is….even though neglected in recent years, the donor-body of this machine has had a heavy life long history of sewing – so someone loved it a lot!

If you ever want to know if you need to go back and clean some more?  Take a photo of any area…..pictures don’t lie.  I need to spend some more time under and  around the top thread guide and the tensioner here:

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It’s MUCH better, but I can see some ick around the screws and such.  Q tips, water, machine oil, wooden toothpicks and patience.  Be careful using anything chemical that might damage the paint.  It’s amazing what you can do with simple machine oil, toothpicks and Q tips!

And don't forget the patience.

Back at it!

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